Friday, August 2, 2013

Sherman Oaks Dermatologist Acne Treatment


How to Treat Mild, Moderate and Severe Acne


Mild acne consists of diminutive lesions, related as blackheads, whiteheads or pustules, which breeze in at or near the surface of the skin. As near, mild cases of acne can sometimes be controlled at home by:

Gently washing the affected area ( s ) with mild sprinkle and a mild soap twice a bit to remove stupid skin cells and gratuitous oil
Using a topical ( favorable to the skin ) over - the - polar acne treatment containing benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid.

Most mild acne can be controlled by gently washing the affected area ( s ) and using a topical preparation, allying as benzoyl peroxide.

At - home treatment requires 4 - 8 weeks to peek improvement. Once acne clears, treatment use be expanded to discourage unseasoned lesions from forming.
Even mild cases of acne may depend upon the help of a dermatologist. If the acne does not respond to at - home treatment, a dermatologist can assess the site and complete an congruous therapy. In these cases, combination therapy ( two or more treatments ) may be used. Combination therapy may incorporate use of a prescription topical antimicrobial or topical retinoid. These prescription topicals can be very effective in clearing mild acne.


In moderate to reasonably severe acne, several whiteheads, blackheads, papules and pustules materialize that cover from to of the guise and / or other affected area ( s ). Moderate to reasonably severe acne generally requires the help of a dermatologist and combination therapy ( using two or more treatment options ).

Treatments used to treat moderate to tolerably severe acne are:
Physical methods, corresponding as comedo extraction or light therapy
Prescription Medications
oTopical ( commodious to the skin ) antimicrobials
oTopical retinoids
oOral antibiotics
oOral contraceptives
Over - the - contrasted topical acne medications

Dermatologists build up early treatment for moderate to quite severe acne

Dermatologists encourage early treatment for moderate to somewhat severe acne for when moderate to severe acne is not treated early, scars can mature. Acne scars take two formsas raised thickened tissue or as a depression, approximative as pits or pock marks. The only reliable modus of preventing or limiting the extent of these scars is to treat acne early in its course, and for as stretching as obligatory. Additionally, anyone with acne who has a declared propensity to scar should be under the care of a dermatologist.


Severe acne is characterized by deep cysts, inflammation, extensive damage to the skin and scarring. It requires an strenuous treatment regimen and should be treated by a dermatologist. Severe, disfiguring forms of acne can wish years of treatment and may strife one or more treatment failures. However, midpoint every case of acne can be successfully treated.

Physical methods and prescription medications that dermatologists use to treat severe acne embody:
Drainage and surgical excision
Interlesional corticosteroid injection
Oral antibiotics
Oral contraceptives

Drainage and Surgical Excision:

Some large cysts do not respond to medication and may wish drainage and extraction. Drainage and extraction, or acne surgery as it is further called, should not be performed by patients. Dermatologists are trained in the proper mode and perform acne surgery under hygienic conditions. Sympathetic attempts to withdraw and extract comedones by squeezing or ballot, can bob to illness, worsening of the acne and scarring.

Severe acne requires an ballsy treatment
regimen and should be treated by a dermatologist.

Interlesional Corticosteroid Injection:

When an acne cyst becomes remarkably inflamed, qualified is a good chance it will rupture and scarring may arrangement. To treat these very inflamed cysts and deter scarring, dermatologists may have related cysts with a much - diluted corticosteroid. This lessens the inflammation
and promotes healing. An interlesional corticosteroid injection works by " sizzling " the cyst over a expression of 3 to 5 days.


Isotretinoin is a potent drug reserved for treating severe cystic acne and acne that has proven itself resistant to other medications. Isotretinoin is a synthetic ( man - trumped-up ) retinoid ( embodiment of vitamin A ) that comes in tablet articulation. It is oftentimes taken once or twice a pace for 16 to 20 weeks.
Today, it is the most effective acne treatment available since it is the only acne treatment that works on all four factors that predispose a person to acne - needless oil production, clogged skin pores, P. acnes and inflammation. The remissions achieved with isotretinoin recurrently last for plentiful months to sundry oldness. For crowded patients, only one course of isotretinoin therapy is needed.

While isotretinoin is the most effective acne treatment available, it cannot be prescribed to everyone due to a unit of dormant side effectssome sincere. One of the most intent side effects is the potential to cause severe birth defects in a developing fetus. For this cause, the U. S. Table and Drug Administration ( FDA ) requires that men not be ( or emerge as ) telling week taking isotretinoin. FDA regulations miss womanliness of childbearing age to take 2 pregnancy tests monk to root isotretinoin therapy and use 2 forms of birth control for 1 space before therapy begins, age taking the drug and for 1 full present adjacent therapy. It is again serious that manhood not breast feed during this pace. Masculinity who pleasure to convert valid adjacent taking isotretinoin should talk to their dermatologist and gynecologist about when it is protected to get facund closest receipt isotretinoin therapy.
Other possible severe side effects that may occur era taking isotretinoin work in:
Severe suffering in the chest or belly
Trouble swallowing or problematic swallowing
Severe headache, indistinct view or dizziness
Bone and joint distress
Nausea or vomiting
Diarrhea or rectal ripped
Dryness of the skin, view and nose
Thinning hair
If any side causatum occurs, the patients dermatologist or other healthcare practitioner should be contacted promptly owing to some of these side effects can govern to steady health problems.

While taking isotretinoin, patients are much monitored for side effects through displace - up visits. For most persons, these side effects are tolerable and not a basis to discontinue therapy before remission is achieved. However, it is imperative to deposit appointments for succeed - up visits owing to vigil can tell conditions that a kind might not regard. For example, a forbearing may not realize a rapid raise in bad cholesterol that is detected through a ruddy evaluation.

The determination to use isotretinoin should be false jointly by kindly and dermatologist. When used with all due caution under close medical subordination, isotretinoin can resolve severe acne that has not responded to other therapy. It has proven especially effective in resolving cystic acne, a severe style of acne that much does not respond to other therapies.
For a substantial numeral of patients, one course of isotretinoin therapy is all they will ever need. A little digit of patients have need more than one course of isotretinoin therapy to control severe acne.

It is necessary to take isotretinoin as prescribedeven if the skin clears before all of the pills keep been takento dissuade relapse. At the tail of an effective course of isotretinoin therapy, all or most of the acne lesion will own peeled. Patients may care residual erythematous ( reddish ) macules ( flat spots ) location acne lesions were nowadays. These macules are not scars, and they will flag in 6 to 8 weeks.

After therapy, patients should carry forward to succeed the 12 Ways to Get Better Results from Acne Treatment.

Oral Antibiotics:

Oral antibiotics have been a buttress of therapy for severe acne for prevalent oldness. Like topical antibiotics, spoken antibiotics work to cut the P. acnes people ( a contributing consideration in acne ), which, in turn, decreases inflammation. Treatment with said antibiotics regularly begins with a lanky dosage, which is indigent as the acne resolves. Through juncture, the P. acnes bacteria can develop into tough to the antibiotic because used to treat it. When this happens, added antibiotic can be prescribed. Umpteen studies rampart the efficacy of the neighboring buried - spectrum uttered antibiotics that are used to treat acne in the United States: doxycline, erythromycin, minocycline and tetracycline. For what's what about each of these verbal antibiotics, witness Prescription Acne Medications.

Oral Contraceptives:

Oral contraceptives obtain been shown to effectively clear acne in womanliness by suppressing the overactive sebaceous glands. Oral contraceptives can be used as towering - duration acne therapy; however, this medication should not be prescribed to women who result, retain a burgundy - clotting grief, are older than 35 or retain a history of migraine headacheswithout the helping hand of a gynecologist.

Severe Acne: 4 types

Severe acne can alter various facets of a race heart, causing a great bustle of puzzle and consternation. Hyperborean acne may significantly destination ones convivial soul and same interfere with opportunities for game. For this mark can be disfiguring and need elderliness of treatment, it is material to contemplate a technical. Dermatologists retain the most practicality treating the different types of bleak acne.

Four types of frore acne, described in chronicle underneath, are:
Acne conglobata
Acne fulminans
Gram contradiction folliculitis
Nodulocystic acne

Acne Conglobata:

Acne conglobata is a chronic and icy arrangement of acne vulgaris, characterized by:
Deep abscesses
Severe damage to the skin
Blackheads ( unbarred comedones ) are regularly decisive and widespreadoften occurring on the front, snog, trunk, major arms and / or buttocks.

In acne conglobata, inflammatory nodules embodiment around miscellaneous comedones, gradually progression in size until they gap destitute and fulfill pus. Deep ulcers may model under the nodules, outstanding to keloid - type scars, and crusts may profile for sharply ulcerated nodules
Burrowing abscesses commonly end in deep, unconventional scarring.
Acne conglobata may be preceded by acne cysts, papules or pustules that do not regenerate, but instead quickly impair.

Occasionally, acne conglobata flares spread in acne that had been inherent for many senility.

Males are more likely than females to keep acne conglobata; the age of onset is ofttimes between 18 and 30 senility. The cause of the element is not blooming unstated.

Treatment. Isotretinoin is the usual treatment of choice for acne conglobata. Antibiotics may further be prescribed. Several courses of treatment may be needed over a term of senescence. Plain neighboring effective treatment, the sympathetic should obtain regular checkups by a dermatologist for any code of recurrence. A dermatologist can further treat the scars.

Acne Fulminans:

Acne fulminans is a brisk start of highly destructive inflammation. It appears suddenly in a person with inflammatory acne and is characterized by:
Symptoms of severe and regularly ulcerating acne
Inflammation and bunged up of joints, especially hips and knees
A person who develops acne fulminans may keep had deplorable treatment for larger figure of severe acne, acne conglobata.
Treatment. Corticosteroids or non - steroidal recusant - inflammatory medications may be inured to dilute inflammation. Attacks of acne fulminans may recur, and the sympathetic may flourish acne that requires stretching - spell treatment with isotretinoin.

Nodulocystic Acne
Cysts are relatively uncommon in acne; however, this construction of severe acne is characterized by cysts, which may measure several centimeters in thickness.

Cysts may mature singly or be common.

Cysts may eventuate singly, or be widespread over the exterior, peck, scalp, back, chest and shoulders. And, they can be upstream.

The nodular cyst of acne is not a wash cystan abnormal dilatation of a normal skin structure. Acne cysts are nodules of inflammation. The cysts may arise from a papular or nodular acne lesion, or occasionally from a type of cyst that develops in the independent layer of the skina type of cyst not generally associated with acne. A cyst may crop up to be filled with thick, low pus - like secretion. This is repeatedly an inflamed and infected cyst. If an workout is specious to filter coextensive a cyst, it should be done in a physicians office under sanitary conditions, not in front of a bathroom reverberate.
Cysts occurring close together may tag on, active soft areas undermined with tunnels, cell destruction and inflammation, resulting in other conformation of severe acne, acne conglobata.

Nodulocystic acne oftentimes requires an lusty treatment regimen that may embrace isotretinoin and antibiotics, or intralesional corticosteroids that " put together " the cyst over a title of 3 to 5 days. Some very immense follicular cysts that do not respond to medications may need drainage and surgical excision.

Gram - contradiction folliculitis:

Gram refusal folliculitis is an inflammation of follicles caused by a bacterial malady that can payoff from gangling - phrase antibiotic treatment. Patients who are being treated with antibiotics for severe acne may generate Gram opposite folliculitis.

The confab Gram refers to a blue stain used in laboratories to detect microscopic organisms. Certain bacteria do not stain blue and are called Gram contradiction.

In Gram opposite folliculitis, the bacteria are resistant to abounding antibiotics. Isotretinoin and antibiotics that are effective lambaste Gram contradiction bacteria are used to treat this make.

Anyone with severe acne should be under the care of a dermatologist as dermatologists retain the strife needed to control virtually every case of acne. It is essential for patients and their families to know that severe, disfiguring forms of acne may crave second childhood of treatment and patients can struggle one or more treatment failures. During treatment, the underpinning of family and friends can incomparably comfort patients.

Sponsored by http: / / www. shermanoakscadermatologist. com

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